Post Production
Post Production
Creative Process &
Willfried Vandenhove
Etiam tempus elit in ullamcorper maximus. Pellentesque in nisl malesuada, vehicula dolor fermentum, congue libero. Nunc tortor nulla, dictum a eleifend nec, rutrum a sapien. Ut id erat tincidunt, mattis ipsum eu, laoreet enim. Nulla a ligula ac nisl tempor gravida ac id dui. Nullam lacinia ultricies pellentesque. Etiam augue lacus, pulvinar ac leo ac, vehicula dapibus nunc. Donec malesuada ligula nisi, non tempor leo accumsan non. Sed eget vehicula eros. Quisque sodales, massa at interdum maximus, quam nunc ultricies tellus, quis volutpat est augue in metus.
For Wilfried Vandenhove, a project always begins with an image that triggers the surprising that is to come, the persistent existence of that image that fixes the gaze on the surrounding ether and builds the discourse on the subsequent ones.
As a photographer, a new series never transforms this using some digital process. Each image retains its final appearance when it is captured.
In his large format silkscreens Vandenhove follows some steps such as digitalization, selecting the photo which inspires the new graphic artwork, color palettes, post-production in Photoshop, to then take its final form in artist’s books, printings in frame, painted on wall, etc.