A Beautiful Noise

A Beautiful Noise


Black Coffee

Black Pickup

Border Tale


Desert Fish

Desierto del Altar

Early Morning

El Puchale

Garza’s Trucking

Golden Acapulco

Gravel Road


La Panamericana

Little Red Bird

Midnight Romance

Portrait of a Bridge

Sea of Cortez


Still Life with Del Monte Catsup

Tequila Shot

The Family

The Passenger

The Valley

Tijuana Sun

Two Shots – Two Opportunities

Under the Bridge

Viva México

White Lincoln, White Cadillac

Between 2004 and 2011, during one of his many trips to the northern part of Mexico, he produced White Lincoln – White Cadillac, which triggered the whole series A Beautiful Noise. Wilfried Vandenhove questions the origin of the human presence in the inhospitable and hostile desert, the peculiar life of the border with its phagocytic nature of everything that steps on this territory.

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Willfried Vandenhove
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